And so it begins!!
Well, with much anticipation to what the deputation process is all about I officially started the financial fund raising ball rolling! It is a little bit easier going into this process knowing I have people praying for me and a prayer team assembled! Thanks to all of you for lifting up my request the other night. For those of you who don't know, I gave my first official presentation to a missions board yesterday. I presented in front of the missions board at my home church, Koke Mill Christian Church. I called a few people, last minute, and asked them to pray while I gave my presentation. Mostly praying that I would speak clearly and that I would cast the vision that God laid upon my heart after being in Venezuela this summer! The presentation itself went very well I thought. Please pray that Koke Mill CC would make the right decision as far as to what extent they want to partner with me as I endeavor to serve God in Venezuela! Thanks again for all your prayers and support! I hope to be setting up more appointments with more churches soon! August 17th is all too quickly approaching. Also, if you could be in prayer for the week of February 5th-11th. I will be traveling to Louisville, KY for training with my sending organization, Team Expansion. During this week I will be really setting up a time table for everything that must get done before I leave for the field in August. I also hope to have a job description and personal ministry plan established. Any questions? Feel free to email at, or call my cell: 217-494-1836. To God be the glory!!!