Posted by
Matt Johnson
1:12 PM
The following is a look into the work that God is accomplishing in Cúa, Venezuela. Specifically, there will be updates on the church Siempre Con Cristo, its outreach activities, and its various ministries.
Well, thanks to everyone that has picked up a prayer commitment card at church and turned one back in. I have about 15 prayer warriors right now!! I hope to have a list of about 75-100 some day. That is the goal. Here are a few more prayer requests. Pray for maintained relations between USA and Venezuela. It seems like the politics just get a little bit hairier everyday. I have a meeting scheduled March 10th with a missions board member from Hope Church. Pray that God would speak through me at that meeting and that they would consider partnering with me in my ministry! Well, that's about all I can think of now! Thank you so much for your support as this wouldn't be possible without God's people interceding in prayer! To God goes all the glory!
Posted by
Matt Johnson
1:06 PM
Well, now that I am back from Candidate Lab in Louisville, KY, it is time to swing support raising into full gear! So, time to wake the prayer warriors! Yes, this is your chance to partner with me in my ministry to really see this thing to fruition! I am asking everyone to pray that God would raise up people and Churches that would desire to partner with me in my ministry! I hope to have a forwarding agent soon. I hope to start publishing support raising percentages so everyone knows how close I am to reaching my budget! Remember, I hope to be on the field by August! Again, to God goes all the glory! Philippians 4:6
Posted by
Matt Johnson
6:22 PM
Well, this week (Feb. 5th-11th) I am in picturesque Louisville, KY. I am currently in the middle of what they call Candidate Lab! It is all the ins and outs of what I need to get done before I leave for Venezuela. We have covered things such as prayer support, fundraising, forwarding agents, and a bunch of other things. And, there is more still to come, it's only Tuesday. Another prayer request: As of late I have really been feeling down. They say that everyone goes through the desert before their ministry time and I hope this is just my desert. Satan really does step up his level of attack when we step out to serve our Heavenly Father. It is very discouraging and emotionally, spiritually, and physically draining. Pray that I would seek God in the midst of all of this. I know I will come out stronger and more reliant on Him. This is what I desire, I just wish the desert part wasn't coupled with it. To God be the Glory in all that I do!!
Posted by
Matt Johnson
4:33 PM