Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Certifiably Healthy!!
Driving in Venezuela is much different in the US. Yes, they do drive on the right side of the road, but the rules of the road down here seem to be merely suggestions. Though they aren't as stringent on rules, you do have to have two different licenses to drive here. I received one of these today. I can drive on my US license for the first 3 months upon entry. After that I will have to apply for a Venezuelan drivers license. The other form you need is called a Certificado Medico. This certifies that you are healthy enough to drive a vehicle. The test consists of: blood pressure being taken, reading a few lines from an eye chart, and the doctor listening to your heart beat. I was pretty excited I passed, though outside of being in a coma, it is difficult to fail the test. I don't think the doctor administering the test would have passed himself. When I walked in to the room, I had a ball point pen stuck in my hat by my ear. This keeps the pen accessible in case I have to write or sign anything. The doctor asked me if this was a special microphone for my hands free cell phone. I said, "Nope, just a pen." I think he would have had a hard time reading the lines on the eye chart! Well, the prayer time was wonderful last night! Tonight we have two small groups I will be leading worship for!
God Bless,
Matt Johnson
Posted by
Matt Johnson
1:43 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Does this Country make me look fat?
Yesterday was my first church service in Cua! They had a nice welcoming meal for me after the second service. It was good to see some old friends and meet some new ones as well. Apparently I have put on some weight since I was hear left. One of the ladies remembered me from my time here as an intern and her first words to me were: Wow, you have some more fat in your cheeks since last time! (rough translation) I forgot how brutally honest Latinos can be! Yes, they notice things like hair, weight, clothes, and they aren't afraid to tell you about it. Today is our day off so I went downtown with Chris (team leaders wife) to run some errands. I had to cash a check at the bank to convert dollars to bolivares (Venezuela's currency). The bank works a little bit differently here than in the states. First as you walk in you go to the old "take a number" machine. Then everyone stands in one large blob and you watch a screen flash up numbers in a seemingly random order. When the sign displays your number you walk to the teller assigned to you. I had to show my passport as a form of identification to cash my check. This was followed by a picture. After endorsing the check, I had to include my thumb print directly beneath my signature. Talk about security. We then went to the cell place in the mall to get my cell phone! Cell phone plans are prepaid down here so you just buy a card with a certain amount of minutes, and then purchase more as needed. Unfortunately minutes cost quite a bit so everyone sends text messages instead. Man, I am not even good at texting in English let alone Spanish! Purchasing the phone also required a print from my thumb as well as my index finger. Ah yes, there is nothing quite like being 24 and relearning how to do everything all over again. This really is a high adventure life style and one that takes some patience as well! Tomorrow we have an office day at one of the churches. This coming Sunday I am leading worship at the Cua church! Well, I will write more as I have more to share!
God Bless,
Matt Johnson
Posted by
Matt Johnson
7:35 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
First View of Venezuela
Here is a picture of Catia La Mar, Venezuela. This was my first glimpse of Venezuela as I flew in Friday night. I had two wonderful flights and some wonderful news! I found out yesterday that my Visa was approved! That is very exciting and I hope to get it soon! My team leader and his wife met me at the airport and we headed to his house. That is where I am staying this weekend, till I move in with my host family. I looks like I will hit the ground running so to speak. We have youth group today so I will be headed there this afternoon to help out! Well, I look forward to sharing what God is doing!
Matt Johnson
Posted by
Matt Johnson
8:24 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Packed and Ready to Go!!
Well, it's official. As of 8:40 PM, March 22, I am packed and ready to head to my new home. I think this is the earliest I have ever been packed before flying somewhere. Usually I wait till about 2:00 AM the night before. I am pretty proud of myself! Tomorrow is going to be a full day of traveling split between driving and flying. I will hopefully have the chance to send off an email to everyone either Friday night or Saturday morning. Please pray for safe travel for me tomorrow and that all my luggage shows up as well! Well, I think I am going to get a snack and hang out with my parents before I go to bed!
God Bless,
Matt Johnson
Posted by
Matt Johnson
8:42 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Cleveland Ohio and Louisville Kentucky!
This past weekend was dedicated to spending time with my forwarding agents in Cuyahoga Falls and my exit interview (or "PDI") with Team Expansion. (The picture above is the proverbial "Cuyahoga Fall". Yeah, it's man made, but still more impressive than Springfield Falls here in Illinois...) Thursday through Monday morning I was in Cuyahoga Falls with Jonathan and Jen hanging out, watching movies, playing Settlers of Catan, and making sure we were on the same page as far as missions stuff goes. It was good to see them once more before I leave. They play such a huge role in my ministry. It is so great to have your best friend as your forwarding agent. It is good to know that someone who is 100% behind my ministry is handling my finances. Well, enough buttering up the Claytors... Tuesday I was at International Services (IS) in Louisville all day. I spent the day in meetings with all sorts of different members of IS. They are the support staff here in the States serving all 300+ Team Expansion missionaries on the field. They are also a huge part of my ministry. They have made my transition to the field pretty painless. I can't thank them enough. It is hard to believe that I am leaving in just over a week. I am having all of these crazy emotional swings. One minute I am extremely excited, the next nervous. However, I know this is where God wants me right now, and that gives all of this an underlying sense of Peace!! Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support. Please pray for safe travel next Friday as I fly to the field! I look forward to sharing all God will be accomplishing through me as I minister to the people there!
All for God's Glory,
Matt Johnson
Posted by
Matt Johnson
11:22 PM