Monday, December 03, 2007

Voting For The Future of the Country

This past weekend promised to bring big changes to the constitution and the country. President Chavez proposed almost 70 amendment changes to a constitution that was passed just 8 years ago in 1999. The majority of these changes were written to move the country more toward a socialist government and many feared more like Cuba. Weeks leading up to the voting marches were planned, rallies were held, and speaking events were schedule by both Chavez and his supporters and the opposition. Rumor had it that those voting for Yes had the lead in the poles and were expected to easily win. However, when the results were released this morning at 1:15 AM Venezuela time, the No was triumphant with a slim 50.3% to 49.7% total. We had prayed Sunday morning at church that God's will would be done. We preached to trust in God and not man. We sang praise songs to God proclaiming that He has the last word and that His will will be accomplished! We praise God as He continues to move and work here in this country.
Within the next month I will be reviewing my goals for the year and developing a ministry plan for the future. Please continue to pray that God would continue to lead our church towards growth and have an impact here in Cua! God Bless!
Matt J.

PS> I will be in the US between Dec. 20th and Jan. 3rd. My brother is getting married on Dec. 22nd, so I will be in the wedding and celebrating the holidays with my family. Feel free to drop me a line if you would like to hang out and hear an update of the work live and in person!!


Emily said...

I want to see you! But the entire time you'll be here, I'll be with my fiance in CA to see his parents for Christmas. Stink! Sorry buddy, but you just won't have any time with Emily syringe!

Anonymous said...

hey! i wanna hang out! lets have a gringo day! ... umm... where are you gonna be?