Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting Ready for the NMC

This coming week Elsa and I will be attending the National Missionary Convention in Lexington, KY. If you are interseted in our minstry or just want to say hi I would encourage you to swing by the Team Expansion booth during the convention. We will be spending most of our free time there. I know it has been a while since I have blogged (perhaps that is an understatement). I hope to be a little more frequent with these entries. We still don't have internet in our house so it makes updating a little more difficult. This Saturday we are celebrating 2 baptisms! We praise God for the continued fruit. It has been a difficult year but God is faithful, God is good, God provides, God protects, and God produces growth! I don't think we are going to achieve many of our goals but at the same time we have move forward as a church! Thank you all for you continued prayers and support. Please pray for safe travel and a wonderful trip to Ohio with our forwarding agents this coming week!
Matt and Elsa Johnson

1 comment:

cscmamareed said...

Yah! Yah! Glad to see you! Have a safe trip!