It's Been A While...
Well, sorry for my lack of updates over the last month. We really have seen God do some amazing things over the last month! A few highlights: We just got back from taking over 25 kids to summer camp this last week. The picture above shows some 85+ youth worshiping from 4 different churches we have here in Venezuela. Two of our students who have been in the youth group for little over 2 months decided to get baptized. God really spoke to them at camp and they decided to make Jesus the Lord and Savior of their lives! We will be baptizing them this Saturday! Some youth group members returned from a mission trip to Columbia, and San Cristobal Venezuela. They went out to support a Venezuelan church planter that is part of the mission. I was unable to go as I had to preach at youth group the Saturday they were gone. However, they were used by God their and were able to baptize 3 people in Columbia! We praise God for the international harvest He is producing through our young people! The mother of one of the youth that attended the trip decided to be baptized and give her life to Christ! Her son, Elias, has been praying for her for a long time. After Elias returned from the mission trip he found his mother on her knees praying to God and repenting of her former life! We were excited to baptize her this past Sunday! She had been involved in witch craft at one time but has destroyed all of her ties with that and is excited to begin her new life in Christ! Well, hopefully as I find more time to write I will update this site more often. Thanks so much for your prayers. We are seeing lives being changed here on a daily basis! One note of specific prayer request: We have seen a lot of negative impacts of gossip among our youth group recently and it is something I am desperately trying to change. Pray that God would give me the wisdom to teach and disciple these youth so that they would mature in the faith!
God Bless,
Matt Johnson
1 comment:
Ahhh, good 'ol summer camp!
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